A unique combination of first-person strategy elements places Warlord: Awaji in a genre of its own. Immersive strategy, pioneered by Darkmatter Games, fixes the player in the shoes of their character, while presenting them with complex strategic gameplay. Lead a large army, establish forts, conquer villages and castles, and disrupt dynamic enemy forces, in a sprawling open world–entirely from this immersive strategy perspective. Turn the tide of battle by engaging directly in the action yourself, fighting alongside your own hand picked warriors fully in real time.

Immersive Strategy

Dynamic Open World

The world of Warlord: Awaji is a sprawling island based on the eponymous real life location. Travel the roads cautiously and keep your eyes on the treelines, as convoys and roaming armies criss-cross the open world in real time. The local population will quickly spread word of your exploits, so choose your actions carefully. Manage the population’s unrest levels and prepare for raids on your camp. Enemies will react aggressively to repeated attacks and transgressions by your samurai invasion force.

Your warriors are your most important weapon. Recruit and maintain a powerful retinue of samurai to complete your army. Enemy forces can coordinate and number in their hundreds to oppose your advance. Use your troops carefully to attack local strongholds and settlements, and gain the upper hand. Every battle has lasting consequences and implications, so choose your fights wisely.

Massive Battles

Base Building

Construct a series of camps and outposts as you conquer the open world. Clear the forests and put up defenses. Set guards and patrols to maintain a perimeter. At any time, you may pack up and relocate your camp, allowing for complex strategic maneuvers. Decide where and when to set up your base, and how long to stay before conditions become too dangerous.

All of the weapons, armor, structures, names, and gameplay featured are inspired directly from extant literary, iconographic, and archeological sources. Darkmatter Games, with the help of world leading experts on samurai warfare, has painstakingly recreated the 14th century world of feudal Japan in unrivaled detail. Historical authenticity is the core element of the Warlord franchise. Prepare to experience the visceral world of the samurai like never before seen.

Japanese History